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Webinar: Best-bet Solutions for Salinity Management under Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa

The webinar will discuss how salinity can be better mitigated and managed in different parts of the world, including sub-Saharan Africa, using RESADE as a case study.  ICBA and its partners will present and review the key successes and lessons learned from the project and will showcase best-bet solutions designed to help small-scale farmers in salt-affected areas adopt new approaches that can increase their yields and incomes while building their adaptive capacity to climate change.

Rice production training in Togo

Rice is an important crop in Togo’s food security. Under the RESADE project farmers are taught best cropping and post-harvest practices. These include land preparation, nursery establishment, sowing, transplanting, fertilization, weeding, pest management, harvesting and seed processing practices.

Strengthening knowledge and participation in crop value chains through village cooperatives

The RESADE project is scaling out crop technologies through increased participation of women and youth farmers in villages surrounding the BPHs. Through various training organized by the RESADE country team in Togo, farmers have shown interest in several technologies that can enhance their participation in crop value chains and hence improve farm production and incomes from crop sales. The current video shows both women and youth farmers who express interest in use of improved crop varieties.

Biochar Production Training in Togo

ICBA and ITRA scientists organized farmer field schools in Togo under the #RESADE project. The objective was to train farmers in best farming practices and soil improvement techniques. During the training sessions, farmers were taught how to use and benefit from soil amendments such as biochar. Biochar is a fine-grained solid material made from biomass that has been carbonized under oxygen-limited conditions. Farmers were shown how to apply it directly to soils to improve their functioning and reduce emissions. They also gained hands-on experience in making equipment for producing biochar.

Biodiversity conservation: Existing and endangered crops in Togo

A survey of rare crops and crops that no longer exist was conducted in Atti-Apedokoe village, Togo. Farmers explained why these crops are no longer common, including a lack of market, long growth cycles, climate change impacts, etc..

Introduction of community seed bank by ITRA and ICBA at Atti-Apedokoe

The establishment of a community seed bank by ITRA and ICBA (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture) at the Atti-Apedokoe training in Togo holds profound significance for local farmers. Akpakoudo Ama, a member of the cooperative "La main de Dieu" from the village of Atti-Apedokoe, emphasized the challenges faced during agricultural activities, particularly the scarcity of good quality seeds necessary for a successful harvest. The repercussions of using subpar seeds include reduced yields, diminished income, and wasted time.

Farmer Field Schools in Togo: Rice Adoption

Farmers involved at the hub in Atti Apodokoe village in Togo benefited from the Farmer Field Schools and shared the RESADE project's impact on their productivity.

RESADE project mid-term review (Togo)

A RESADE project Mid-Term Review was conducted by IFAD representatives Dr Viviane Filippi and Mr Gabi Adotevi from the 26th – 28th of October 2022 in Lome Togo. The project Implementation Unit of ITRA together with ICBA RESADE project co-leader presented the results of the activities carried out since project inception in 2019. The team and donor delegation also visited the Best practice hub site at Atti-Apedokoe and the beneficiaries from 3 surrounding villages namely Kéké-kopé, Bétékpo and Atité-kopé  where recommendations on improving project implementation were shared.

Togo Farmer Field School of Excellence on Agri-Food Processing (Crop valorization)

A training session on quality, hygiene and good practices of food processing was conducted from the 22nd -25th of November 2022 at Atti-Apédokoè. The objective of the training was to contribute in adding value to the agricultural products developed in the area by training farmers on good hygiene practices and implementing new technologies for processing agricultural products. . Fifty-six (56) farmers including thirty-four (34) women, all members of the three cooperatives set up in area attended the training. The training was provided by two engineers of agro-food from ITRA, (Mr.

RESADE – Knowledge sharing meeting, Togo

A knowledge sharing meeting was conducted for neighboring villages of Atti-Apedokoe. These are Attite-kope, Betekpo and Keke-kope. The objective of the meeting was to share with farmers the best practices learned by Atti-Apedokoe community while implementing RESADE project and build their capacity on good agricultural practices that promotes resilience to soil salinity.

RESADE - Farmer Field School on Pest management, Togo

A farmer field school on disease, insect control and weed management was conducted at Atti-Apédokoe village. The training was facilitated by ITRA experts and extension service advisors together with farmers leaders. Farmers discussed the pests and weeds mostly affecting their crops as well as the plant and insect control methods they used.

RESADE - Farmer Field School on Irrigation, Togo

A Farmer Field School training on Irrigation system / lowlands preparation was conducted by ITRA with the assistance of extension service and farmer leaders. The objective of the training was to show the different types of irrigation systems and the preparation of lowlands and depressions.

RESADE - Farmer Field School on crop fertilization, Togo

As part of the capacity building of farmers in Atti-Apédokoe a farmer field school of excellence (FFSE) on crop fertilisation, integrated soil fertility management, and planning of agricultural activities was conducted at the Best Practice Hub site. The interactive discussions focused on good practices in fertilization and integrated soil fertility management as well as on importance of planning of agricultural activities for the year.

RESADE -Training of Trainers on Farmer Field School of Excellence, Togo

A theoretical and practical training, led by ICBA experts, was conducted in Lomé (ITRA) and Atti-Apedokoe village (BPH). It was aimed to strengthen Togolese researchers and extension technicians, in participatory diagnostic tools for the identification and analysis of production constraints at the village level. 

RESADE - Farmer Field School on seed production and harvesting techniques, Togo

A Farmer Field school on certified rice seed production, harvesting techniques and post-harvest operations was conducted at Ati-Apédokoe village in Togo. Emphasis was placed on post harvesting activities such as drying and storage to reduce post-harvest loses. The training was facilitated by ITRA researchers.

RESADE - Farmer Field School on Cooperatives formation and Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Togo

A training on cooperatives and farming entrepreneurship was conducted in Ati-Apédokoe village, Togo. The objective was to train farmers involved in the Best Practice hub activities on the importance of cooperative associations and entrepreneurial mind-set and their advantages. The training was led by two officers of local extension service ICAT and ITRA researchers.

RESADE - Registration of Cooperatives, Togo

A meeting to register three farmers cooperatives was conducted at Ati-Apédokoe village, Togo. The process was facilitated by ITRA and extension services (ICAT) and attended by farmers including the local leadership, (village chiefs).

Le projet RESADE continue de renforcer les capacités des producteurs d'Atti-apedokoe

Cette activité fait suite à la formation des formateurs sur les bonnes pratiques agricoles résilientes à la salinité des sols qui a eu lieu du 24 au 27 mai 2021. D'autres séries de formation sont attendues pour permettre aux agriculteurs et agricultrices d'Atti-apedokoe d'améliorer leur revenu.

Soil sampling | RESADE project training video

Training video on soil sampling

Irrigation system management | RESADE project training video

Training video on irrigation system management.

Training of Trainers to improve agricultural resilience to salinity in Togo

Under the RESADE project supported by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), ICBA scientists conducted a workshop for 10 local trainers in Togo on 24-28 May 2021 in collaboration with the Togolese Institute of Agricultural Research (ITRA).

RESADE in Togo: Helping smallholders cope with soil salinity in Togo

Video credit: Togolese Agricultural Research Institute (ITRA)

Under the project called “Improving Agricultural Resilience to Salinity through Development and Promotion of Pro-poor Technologies” (or RESADE), ICBA scientists have been working with different national partners since 2019 to map salt-affected areas, conduct preliminary studies and establish best practice hubs. One such hub is being established in Togo.

Glimpses from the RESADE project meeting in The Gambia

#ICBAAgriculture #RESADE

Some glimpses from the RESADE project prospection mission and stakeholders meeting in #TheGambia on 01-05 July 2019.

RESADE in Mozambique

Interview with Mrs. Acucena Fernando David Guila, Director, District Directorate of Economic Activities of Moamba, Mozambique.

TV Togo about stakeholder’s meeting about water resources management in Togo

A workshop was organized on 8-9 July 2019 in the Hotel du Golf, Lomé, to examine the opportunities, challenges and gaps in water management in Togo.

TV Togo coverage about ITRA-ICBA collaboration within the RESADE project

ICBA and ITRA Togo (Togo Institute for Agricultural Research) have signed a project agreement named RESADE to tackle the salinity problem in Togo.