Component 1
Assessment and mapping of salinity-affected agricultural areas, and selection of areas for project implementation.
Salinity Maps
The salinity was derived using recent Landsat 8 tiles from dry months. The outputs were categorized nominally by their degree of severity.
The analysis was conducted by staff at the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) in May 2019.
Vulnerability Maps
The maps assess the exposure of the agricultural sector to extreme climate events, including droughts, floods, and heat waves. The outputs were calculated using climate indices derived from 21 models downscaled to 25km resolution covering two climate scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and different periods in the future. The exposure risks are categorized into 3 categories 'low, medium and high'.
Component 2
Participatory development of improved salinity management technologies and practices at Best Practice Hubs and related capacity building.
Farmer Field Schools

Training of Trainers
Component 3
Scaling up of climate-smart and salt-resilient agriculture from BPHs to the farming communities in targeted areas.
Component 4
Learning, knowledge management and policy dialogue.